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Super Full Moon in Aquarius August 1st ~ Is Here to Inspire Us into Action

Let's harness the potent energy of this Full Moon in Aquarius to embrace the new and refreshing experiences that lie ahead, even if they may feel uncomfortable and unfamiliar. This is the pure energy of what Aquarius wants from us.

Aquarius encourages us to break free from old patterns and embrace change, as it is a sign associated with liberation and bringing like-minded individuals together.

· Are you feeling like you are missing your old friends?

· Is it time to re-evaluate your friends? Yes, it is.

· Are you and they still in alignment with each other?

Consider whether you and your friends are still in alignment with each other. This introspective question allows you to assess whether your values, interests, and aspirations are still harmonious with those around you.

Perhaps you feel a calling to help a group of disenfranchised people improve their circumstances.

If you possess natural leadership qualities, this may come easily to you. However, even if you're not accustomed to leading, this Full Moon in Aquarius urges you to step out of your comfort zone and push past any discomfort.

Let's delve into the significance of this Super Full Moon as a release and activation point for two Eclipses.

Let's delve into the significance of this Full Moon as a release and activation point for two Eclipses. This Super Full Moon marks the midway point between the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that occurred on May 5th in Scorpio and the upcoming Eclipse on October 28th in Taurus. Scorpio represents evolution and change; Taurus represents our personal values.

What did the May 5th eclipse usher in for you, what did it show you?

Check back to your journals and see. For instance, after the May 5th Eclipse, I experienced a major data loss on my computer, which made me realize the importance of being more diligent about backing up my files. Scorpio can bring up fears around any kind of loss. This is just one personal example.

The current Super Full Moon could bring to the surface any unresolved issues or unacknowledged changes that have been brewing since May. Use this opportunity to gain further insights, learn from past experiences, and embrace positive changes.

As we move forward, let's be mindful of the potential for growth and evolution, drawing from the lessons and awareness brought about by the May 5th Eclipse.

Doing the inner work, exploring our experiences, and being mindful of the growth opportunities presented by these celestial events prepares us to face any challenges or changes that may arise in the future. 

The insights and understanding gained through this process will serve as valuable tools to help us embrace the transformative nature of the October 28th Eclipse with greater confidence and readiness.

What did you become aware of in May 2023?

Full Moon is also happening simultaneously with Mars trine to Jupiter

This Full Moon is also happening simultaneously with Mars trine to Jupiter. I find this connection between those two planets incredibly beneficial. Mars in Virgo provides the energy and determination to be precise and focused. This harmonious connection with Jupiter in Taurus offers us the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and evaluation of what holds personal value for each of us.

Remember, personal growth and self-awareness are continuous journeys, and each planetary event presents us with new opportunities to learn and evolve. By being proactive in our growth and development, we can make the most of these influences and lead more fulfilling lives. So, let's embrace this path of self-discovery and continue to evolve as we approach the next Eclipse in October 2023.

I also want to cover the Lunar Gestation cycle with this Full Moon

I also want to cover the Lunar Gestation cycle with this Full Moon, so get out your journals from 2022. The New Moon on February 1, 2022, marked the beginning of this Lunar Gestation Cycle. Take a moment to look back and see what it was that you started then. Did you set some personal goals? How about goals relating to groups that you are in or thinking about joining or creating?

The next Lunar Gestation cycle in this group started 9 months later on November 1, 2022. At this point, we worked long and hard to accomplish important things related to what we started during the New Moon in February 2022. This lunar cycle may feel stressful for many people, but it can also provide the motivation some of us need to get moving.

Now, as we reach the Full Moon this forecast is about, it brings all our work over the last 18 months into clear view. This allows us to assess what else we need to perfect our creation and give it life, gaining full awareness of what we are manifesting.

Nine months from now, we will be putting on the finishing touches at the last quarter phase. This Full Moon is busy with activations to eclipse points in this year 2023, as well as building on lunar events that began 18 months ago.

I know this can be overwhelming with so much information. If you find it to be true, then simply take a moment to rest and allow the old things in life to dissolve, preparing yourself to embrace something new.

I hope you are finding time to enjoy your Summer. We sure have had some tougher aspects happening, not just with the New and Full Moons. Real life is a big mixed bag of amazing, loving events as well as difficult ones.

Remember to be kind to yourself during this process. It's okay to take breaks and focus on self-care when needed. Reflect on your journey over the past 18 months and be proud of the progress you've made.

As we move forward towards the next Lunar Gestation cycle, set aside some time to meditate or journal about your intentions and aspirations. Embrace the upcoming challenges with courage and determination, knowing that they will lead to growth and transformation.

Wishing you clarity and fulfillment during this powerful Lunar phase!"

Detailed weekly forecasts are also in my membership platform Patreon.

I am very Grateful for you reading my thoughts on the celestial happens every month. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out.

Blessings and Namaste' Dorothy


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1 Comment

Jul 31, 2023

Thank you, Dorothy! Very insightful!! 💖

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