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September 17th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25 Degrees of Pisces (Super Moon Too)

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Ocean Waves

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on September 17th, happening at 25 degrees of Pisces, is a significant event both emotionally and spiritually. Eclipses often mark the end of a chapter in our lives, offering us a rare moment to step back and see everything that’s been unfolding. Whether we’re ready or not, this eclipse will make things clearer, forcing us to confront truths we may have been avoiding. With Pisces involved, you’re likely to feel these changes on a deep, emotional level. Pisces is the sign of sensitivity, compassion, and spiritual connection, so themes like healing, release, and inner growth are going to be front and center.

As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces holds the collective energy of all the signs that come before it. This eclipse may stir up reflections on the past, making it an ideal time to let go of old emotional baggage that’s been weighing you down. Think of this as an opportunity for deep healing, a time to embrace a sense of unity with yourself and others. Full Moons, and especially eclipses, have a way of illuminating what’s been hidden in the shadows. You might find yourself facing truths that you hadn’t fully acknowledged before, and while that can be uncomfortable, it’s also incredibly freeing.

This eclipse is nudging you to release what no longer serves you and trust in the bigger picture. It’s a cosmic reminder that sometimes we need to surrender to the flow of life and allow things to unfold as they’re meant to. You might feel drawn to reconnect with your spiritual side, whether that’s through meditation, creative expression, or simply spending time in nature. Your intuition is likely to be heightened during this time, urging you to check in with yourself, listen to your inner voice, and find a sense of peace amidst the chaos.

At the same time, there’s a dynamic tension between the Moon in Pisces and the Sun in Virgo. Virgo is all about practicality, order, and making things work in the real world, while Pisces is more about going with the flow and trusting in the unseen. This means you might feel pulled in two directions—wanting to retreat into your spiritual practices, while also feeling the need to handle your day-to-day responsibilities. If things have been feeling chaotic, Virgo’s influence can help you organize and make some practical adjustments, offering a grounded approach to balance the ethereal energy of Pisces.

Relationships are also in the spotlight during this eclipse, thanks to a quincunx aspect with Venus just before the eclipse. If you’ve been experiencing tension in your relationships—whether it’s with a partner, a colleague, or a close friend—this eclipse could amplify those feelings. It’s possible that any confusion or uncertainty in your relationships might linger a bit longer, giving you more time to figure out your next steps. However, not everyone will feel this in the same way. If your relationships are stable and harmonious, you might just notice a subtle shift rather than any major upheaval.

Adding to the mix is Neptune, the ruler of the Pisces Full Moon, the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality, which is conjunct the eclipse. Neptune’s energy can make us more sensitive, more intuitive, and sometimes more prone to escapism. You might find yourself caught between your dreams and reality, trying to navigate the space between what you hope for and what’s actually happening. It’s like walking a tightrope between the ideal and the real, and this eclipse is asking you to find your balance.

On a totally different path, there’s a grand trine in the earth signs during this eclipse between Sun, Jupiter, and Pluto that’s offering a bit of stability. These three planets are helping you to stay grounded amidst all the emotional and spiritual intensity. The Sun in Virgo is all about focusing on the details and daily activities, Uranus in Taurus (currently retrograde) is throwing some curveballs to shake up your perspective so we can see where we are grounded and where we are not, and Pluto in Capricorn is reminding us to dismantle systems that aren’t working anymore so we can feel better about building a future on solid ground.

Side note: I have spoken about Pluto in Capricorn in another blog and video so check it out. It is very important to understand this piece as we work with an Eclipse. The main idea is that change is happening, even if it’s uncomfortable. Her is the link to that.

Now, this eclipse isn’t just a one-off event. It’s part of a larger cycle that started 18 months ago with a New Moon on March 21, 2023, at 0 degrees of Aries. Think back to that time, what were you trying to start or focus on? Aries energy is all about action and the self, so whatever you were working on back then is coming to an emotional head right now.

Fast forward nine months, and we hit the First Quarter Moon at 27 degrees of Pisces on December 19, 2023. This phase brought the focus back to Pisces, leading us to where we are now with this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Back in December, you might’ve been figuring out how to move forward while integrating your spiritual side and your hopes and dreams. Pisces energy is all about compassion and understanding, so you were probably trying to weave that into whatever you were doing.

So, from March 2023 to now, it’s been a journey of growth and change. What started with that Aries “I am” energy has evolved into bigger questions like “Who am I now?” and “How can I make a difference?

This eclipse is a checkpoint, how far have you come, and what do you still need to let go of? It’s an emotional and spiritual moment, but it’s also a chance to heal and get clear on your next steps.

In summary, this Pisces Lunar Eclipse is a potent time for emotional release, spiritual growth, and finding a balance between your dreams and everyday life. It’s a moment to let go of what’s no longer serving you, trust in the journey ahead, and reconnect with your inner self. Whether through introspection, creative expression, or simply being present in the moment, this eclipse offers a chance to heal, grow, and embrace the path that lies before you.

Whenever you are ready for some personal guidance please come and book a session with me.

Thank you for reading and being here. You are my reason for sharing this cosmic wisdom. Dorothy.


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