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PLUTO’S RETURN TO CAPRICORN THE FINAL ACT September 1 to November 19, 2024

Updated: Sep 6, 2024


Hello, my friends, I know I'm a little late to the game here, but I want to talk about Pluto return to Capricorn "The Final Act". In this blog, I'll share the astrology of that moment in time, what it means for the rest of Pluto's journey through Capricorn, and how we can use this energy to strengthen ourselves and evolve amidst the changes happening in our lives.

This is a generational transit, something that affects the entire globe. Every transit impacts all of us in different ways, but Pluto in Capricorn has a particularly powerful influence. Let me grab my notes so I can provide the exact dates.

Pluto moved back into Capricorn on September 1, 2024, and it will remain there until November 19, 2024. After that, it will shift back into Aquarius. It's important to note that Pluto has already dipped into Aquarius twice—once for a few months in 2023 and again this year. However, this final step back into Capricorn is crucial to understand.

Now, we all know that in popular astrology, Pluto is associated with death, transformation, and change. This can often bring up feelings of doom and gloom, and that's understandable. Most of us aren't fans of change, endings, or things going away. But these cycles are necessary, much like the seasons. Just as fall shifts into winter, some things must end so we can experience a quiet period before the rebirth.

This is the final phase of Pluto in Capricorn. It's important to recognize that you and I will never experience Pluto in Capricorn again after this. Pluto takes 248 years to complete its cycle, so once it leaves Capricorn in November 2024, it won’t return in our lifetimes.

Capricorn is a feminine sign, something people often forget. Earth and water signs are feminine, which means they are quite receptive. I want us to explore our natural connection to receiving, to embrace the continuous shifts and changes in our lives. This is a time to dive beneath the surface and explore what’s really going on within us. It's an opportunity to confront our shadows, something Pluto often asks us to do.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. Looking back, we can see how things began to change, although we may not have noticed it at the time. Pluto's movement is slow, so its effects are often seen in hindsight. When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, something significant began, but we wouldn’t have seen the full impact immediately. Some of us may have felt it more than others, depending on our personal astrology. For me, Pluto conjunct my Moon at 0° Capricorn, and during that time, I experienced major shifts in my family life (the Moon) and career (Capricorn).

In 2008, I began publicly practicing astrology, and it's been a full cycle with Pluto in Capricorn. Depending on your age and experiences, this cycle will look different for each of us. However, as Pluto moves through the last degree of Capricorn from September to mid-November, we should focus on the connection between our deepest desires, the power we hold, and the things we've been clinging to. It's time for something fresh and new.

Let me use my own journey as an example. When I started astrology back in 2008, I was one of the first astrologers on YouTube and Facebook—back when MySpace was still a thing! Since then, the online presence for astrology has grown immensely. Now, I could stay in the same space of working one-on-one with local clients, but this transition invites us to embrace what's coming next. That’s where the Aquarius energy comes in—tapping into technology, innovation, and shaking things up.

But before we fully step into that Aquarian energy, we need to focus on this final piece of Pluto in Capricorn. This is a time for making profound adjustments, allowing what needs to leave, to leave.

On September 1st at 8:10 PM Eastern Time, Pluto shifted back into Capricorn. At that moment, Pluto was at 29°59' Capricorn, and there were some significant planetary alignments. The Moon was at 28° Leo, Neptune was at 29° Pisces, and Mars was at 29° Gemini. These placements created what’s called a double Yod or "Finger of God" aspect, with three quincunxes forming two separate Yods.

The Moon played a key role in this alignment. On that Sunday night, something significant was initiated. These quincunxes represent discord and adjustments that need to be made. With the Moon, Mars, and Neptune involved, we’re looking at themes like the stories we tell ourselves (Moon in Leo), the steps we take (Mars in Gemini), and the fog we’re trying to navigate (Neptune in Pisces).

This Pluto in Capricorn transit is complex, with many moving parts that may feel misaligned. It’s essential that we all take time to reflect and figure out what steps we need to take. What’s most important to you? How do you want your future to look? Yes, living in the now is crucial, but planning for the future is equally important. However, we cannot continue building on things that no longer serve us.

Take time to define what this period represents for you. Consider journaling or meditating on these themes. We don’t need to remember every detail from 2008, but we can reflect on the larger patterns. Institutions have risen and fallen, economic shifts have occurred, and power dynamics have changed. This happens in every 15-20 year period in history. But for you and me, it’s about looking at these patterns in our own lives.

So let’s reflect on these things in our own lives. For example, back in 2008, when I started this work, I was super insecure. Sometimes, those insecurities still creep in—after all, I have a Capricorn Moon in my chart. But what’s important is to look at where you started, what you began back then, and how it has evolved over time. How can you now feel confident not with an inflated ego, but with a grounded sense of self-assurance? It’s about owning your strength and power, bringing that into yourself.

Here are some key things to consider during this final 2.5-month period of Pluto in Capricorn. These questions and reflections can help you make the most of this energy, so get out your journal and pen.

  1. Discipline and Hard Work: Reflect on how you approach discipline and hard work. We can't continue in the same ways anymore. Capricorn teaches us persistence and dedication, which are valuable traits, but we can sometimes overdo it. What do you need to keep, and what should you release? If you're too disciplined and working too hard, you might miss out on the joys of life. If your efforts aren’t yielding results, it’s time to let go. Ask yourself: Is what I’m putting in equal to what I’m getting back? If not, it’s time to reassess.

  2. Strong Foundations: Capricorn energy is also about building strong foundations, whether in business, personal life, or social connections. These foundations are crucial for long-term success. But now, we need to bring this strength into the Aquarian Age—a time of openness to new thoughts, possibilities, and ideas. Consider what you’ve built. What needs to stay, and what needs to evolve?

  3. Responsibility and Accountability: Capricorn emphasizes responsibility and accountability, which are essential in any relationship or business. It’s about being reliable and holding yourself accountable. But it’s equally important to recognize if you’re being overly responsible. Are you taking on too much? These last few months of Pluto in Capricorn ask us to evaluate this. Like the foundation of a building, you might need to shore up what’s solid and let go of the rest. You’re not discarding the foundation—you’re preparing it for something new and stronger.

  4. Transitioning to the Aquarian Age: Just as we are moving from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius—a process that spans thousands of years—we’re also shifting from Pluto in Capricorn to Pluto in Aquarius. Right now, we’re in this brief return to old ways with Pluto’s retrograde. What does that look like for you? Who is in charge? Are you taking responsibility for your own actions, and how much are you allowing into your life now?

Capricorn is also associated with old age and wisdom. The older we get, the more we understand—and the less we’re willing to put up with things that no longer serve us. It’s time to be patient, to allow certain aspects of your life to surrender and fade away. That’s one of the most important lessons here.

5.     Patience and timing, both qualities of Capricorn. As we navigate these final months of Pluto in Capricorn, remember that patience is essential. Timing is everything. Trust in the process and allow things to unfold as they’re meant to.

This Capricorn archetypal energy understands that things take time—patience is essential when working toward long-term goals. There’s wisdom in knowing when to act and when to hold back, which are key components of Capricorn energy. I encourage you to reflect on this through journaling. Consider whether patience and timing are areas where you’re excelling or where adjustments are needed. Ask yourself: What aspects of this energy do you want to keep, and what do you need to let go of?

6.     Respect for Tradition and Experience: Capricorn energy encourages us to honor tradition and the wisdom of those with more experience, while also recognizing our own knowledge. As we transition into the Age of Aquarius, which values innovation, it's important to discern which traditions and experiences are worth carrying forward. Reflect on this: Is the knowledge and tradition I hold onto still relevant? What needs to be released for growth?


7.     Questioning Long-Standing Systems: Over the next 16 years, Pluto in Aquarius will challenge many long-standing systems, especially in the U.S., as we undergo our Pluto return. This period will bring a push for modernization and the restructuring of leadership. Use this time to examine your relationship with these concepts. Where do you see changes needed in leadership and authority in your life? Do you feel prepared for these shifts, or do you prefer to observe them from a distance?


8.     Leadership and Authority: Capricorn teaches us about leadership and the importance of making tough decisions. Reflect on your role in leadership: Where do you hold power? Do you feel confident in guiding others, or is this an area where you prefer to take a step back? This transit is pushing us to evaluate our relationship with power and responsibility—to release what no longer serves us and to embrace self-authority as we move forward.


9.     Evaluating Power and Control: Pluto, the planet of evolution, is urging us to let go of outdated forms of power and control. This is the time to release anything that’s holding you back from embracing freedom and openness. Consider what you need to weed out of your life to create space for new ideas and progressive change. What’s essential to bring into the future, and what should be left behind?


10.  Preparing for Pluto in Aquarius: November 19th, 2024 marks Pluto’s official move into Aquarius, where it will stay until 2040. This long transit signifies the beginning of a new era, but before fully stepping into it, use this time to reflect and adjust. The Capricorn energy we’re experiencing now gives us one last chance to get things right. Focus on personal freedom, acceptance, and innovation as you prepare for this new phase.


11.  Intensified Energies: The first few weeks of this transition may feel intense, especially with the current astrological alignments. It’s a period of adjustment and letting go. Think of this time as packing for a long journey—only take what’s truly necessary and leave behind anything that’s no longer serving you. This is about stepping into your own authority and being ready for new opportunities as Pluto begins its journey through Aquarius.

In this final stretch of Pluto in Capricorn, we're being called to reflect on discipline, leadership, and tradition while evaluating what to keep and what to release as we prepare for the transformative energy of Pluto in Aquarius. It's a time to honor wisdom gained, embrace necessary change, and step into our own authority. As we transition, focus on shedding outdated structures, making space for new opportunities, and aligning with the progressive, innovative spirit of the coming era. You can watch the video here on my You-Tube channel.

If you would like some personal direction and guidance around these matters or any others please click here. It will take right to my booking page.

Many blessings, and Namaste' Dorothy


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