Expanding Our Awareness of The World Around Us

The New Moon in Sagittarius is always a joy and a wonderful month in the year. I like the energy of Sagittarius because it is fun and creative, seeks freedom and independence as well as the need to explore the world. It's learning new things and being exposed to new cultures and new people, “expanding our awareness”. There is nothing like going to a foreign country and seeing how others live to put your own life into perspective.
Sagittarius is fun and creative, seeks freedom and independence as well as the need to explore the world.
As a matter of fact we don’t even have to travel to see the differences in people, just get away from your hometown or state and you will see what I mean.
People who live on the east coast are very different then those that live in the mid-west or west coast. We are all one but also very unique to our own life situations and local environments.
I encourage you to set some intentions to explore your world in whatever way works for you.
Some of us will travel, others will learn and explore through books or classes, higher education. Setting intentions to finding and working with mentors or teachers or going back to school are all wonderful ways to use this New Moon.
Sagittarius is a fire sign… that means very active, and with so many other planets in this sign at the New Moon we are being encouraged to move more. Maybe it is time for some competitive sports? I can't say that's for me, but it is for some people. I would rather explore things with my mind at this point in life. I did so much as younger person this body is not open to moving fast anymore.
Sagittarius is also in charge of what we believe in, our faith, not the dogma of religion but our truth and core beliefs. We do need to be careful of how we express our truth though. Sometime Sagittarius / Jupiter can be excessive and when we are sharing our truth it can come across as blunt and possibly self-righteous. Setting intentions for yourself to not overdo it and to hold your tongue when necessary, might be a good choice for you.
Sagittarius is also in charge of legal situations and lawyers, ethics and morality. So if this speaks to you then with this New Moon you can set those types of intentions for yourself. Clarity around court proceedings, looking for positive outcomes. Things like that.
Maybe now is the time to share your truth….. get out into the world and give a lecture, run a workshop about something you have been wanting to share but did not have the space or time to do it. Set intentions around that.
ere are so many ways the energy of Sagittarius can play out and show up. As long as you're being open and honest with yourself, living your truth, you are using this New Moon in Sagittarius.
That means you don't have to overthink it just act.
I also want to touch on Jupiter in the New Moon chart because he is the ruler of Sagittarius. Within five minutes of this New Moon Jupiter stops its’ retrograde and moves direct.
Jupiter has been retrograde in the sign of Pisces since October 29th and it will remain in Pisces until December 20th. During this two-month time frame Jupiter has been at 28 and 29 degrees of Pisces. Being that this is the end of the Zodiac it's important for us to focus on these things as well.
Our sensitivities, our spiritual practices, creating safety and putting up boundaries around ourselves, learning to dream big, compassion and understanding of the greater world. Jupiter at the very end of Pisces is such a sensitive position many of us will also feel overwhelmed misunderstood and have a lack of clarity. This is where compassion and understanding needs to come in for those you love and especially yourself.
I hope you take this information use it to the best of your ability, don't overthink anything but set those intentions that feel right to you and allow life to flow. We've all been through a lot and this is a nice opportunity for a sweet little break to play and explore.
You can watch the video forecast on my YouTube channel, and you can join us over on Patreon for a lot more content.
Next time I post we will be beyond on Thanksgiving. Wishing you and yours many blessings. Dorothy