This month’s New Moon is very early in the sign, only one day after the Sun enters Pisces. This is such a pure and true energy. But before we get to the New Moon which is at 2:06 AM EST on February 20th at one degree of Pisces. I recommend we slow down for a few days and honor the waning Moon also known as the dark of the Moon this also includes the first 24 hours of the new cycle.
We can start by surrendering to the things that seem to get us all wound up and uncomfortable. Surrendering brings an opportunity for us to free the mind from stress and anxiety and trying to control the unknown. Give yourself the opportunity to release some of the material things that are holding you back whether it's a belief or an actual physical item. Yes, I know the New Moon is about creating but if you have not released enough, you can use the early hours of the New Moon to release…. which creates space for the things to come.
Set your intentions around your hopes and dreams, use your imagination to create.
Doing this you also have a chance to tap into your higher self – a deeper connection with your Spiritual side and an opportunity to create space so there is room to bring your dreams into this realm. To be clear here this means for the 2 or 3 days before the New Moon and the 24 hours after the New Moon rest – relax – release – and create space in your life through Meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi or any activity that brings you into the moment of presence. Some people will even exercise – jog – create art as their meditation. You do you.
Once you feel comfortable and settled then you can easily focus on what you would like to manifest and create over the coming cycle. Here my thoughts on how we can use Pisces to create.
During the month that the Sun is in Pisces it is like the time between being asleep and awake. Everything feels real and nothing feels real. I am sure you know that feeling too. This is a perfect time to begin bringing our dreams into reality.
Some of the things to focus on with the New Moon in the sign of Pisces is our compassionate side, could you use more of that in your life? I think we all could one way or another.
It's so easy for us to criticize and over analyze things in this world that we live in, we currently have an opportunity with this New Moon to move beyond that.
The sky is the limit when dreaming and setting goals. Have fun and play with it.
Pisces knows no boundaries which can be good or not so good. On the other hand if we have no boundaries we might not know where to start or stop. That can be the down fall of Pisces so I recommend we write our goals out and check back with them regularly so we can see if we are indeed moving toward our goals.
Escaping in creative projects like art – music – meditation – prayer – chanting are all wonderful activities that are in the realm of Pisces. Try something new see if you like it.
So take a look at your current life circumstances and see where you would like to soften the rough edges, relax a little, engage in something creative and make that a goal now.
At the very least find some quite time and journal how you are feeling and what you would like some clarity on in your life.
Every New Moon begins a new monthly cycle but it also begins a new 3 year cycle that comes in 9 month intervals of advancement and growth.
Keeping track of what is happening in you
r life around each New Moon is a good practice for that reason, but also so you can look back and see your growth over time because most of the time we don’t recognize how far we have come unless we have something to measure it to. To me this is what New Moon and Full Moon journaling is about. Not just manifest things; we have enough stuff, most things I want to manifest have to do security – comfort – spiritual growth.
What about you? What do you tend to work toward?