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New Moon in Leo August 4th 2024 Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Courageous

New Moon in Leo Astrology Dorothy Morgan Astrologer talking

The New Moon in Leo on August 4th in a nutshell is telling us to be bold, be brave, and be courageous.

When we have a New Moon in the sign of Leo once a year, it gives us a wonderful opportunity to think about and set intentions around what sparks the heart. It lights a fire under us when we have become stuck or stale. We have an opportunity to embrace and create from the heart.

Leo can also boost our courage and inspire us to take bold steps forward in areas where we feel we want to be a leader. Of course, Leo in the natal chart can be very shy, depending on your planetary patterns. A lunar event like this New Moon in your Leo sector will spark some courage and drive.

We all have our own ways of engaging our passions and desires, and this New Moon in Leo is here to help us step into that creativity, passion, and courage. Be bold, be brave, be courageous.

Besides Leo being known for passion, drive, and creativity, it is also very keen on playfulness and throwing a great party. Start making that guest list.

The Lunar Gestation Cycle Begins Now

That is it in a nutshell—the Leo New Moon. But I want to talk a bit more and go a little deeper. Every New Moon starts a new lunar cycle. You can follow the monthly lunar cycle, which is broken into one-week increments. You can find more on this in my daily forecasts on YouTube.

One of my favorite ways of using astrology is the lunar gestation cycle, which lasts three years and has four nine-month increments. Every New Moon starts one of these new cycles, so always make sure you sit down and evaluate what you would like to bring more of into your life through the qualities of each New Moon. Quick reminder: Leo is creative, passion, desire, drive, and playfulness. Sit down within a couple of days after the New Moon and write out your desires in small sentences of encouragement for yourself to engage more passion, more creativity, and more of what you desire. That's what every New Moon is about. We are not intending to initiate new things at a New Moon, but we are supposed to think about what we would like to manifest and create. If that seems too materialistic or superficial for you, I encourage people to at least journal on how they feel.

Journal on what you're passionate about or to create a spark if there is a lack of passion.

Journal on what you're passionate about or the lack of passion. Journal these things so you know how you're feeling when we come back to this New Moon later in the gestation cycle, which could be nine months, 18 months, or 27 months from now. It's a consistent time frame, so we can actually create something with strong roots. That is the lunar gestation cycle.

If you're inspired at this New Moon to throw a party within the next couple of weeks, do that too and have fun. It doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out process like the lunar gestation cycle. It can also be the very short month cycle that we all know and love.

Engaging in this Leo energy right now, with the political environment the way it is and the divisiveness between people, it's really important for each of us to remember to bring it back to the people we love. Bring it back to ourselves so we can reconnect if we need to. That's what summer parties are for, isn't it? It's a rhetorical question; I know you know that. If you want your own personal insight into this New Moon or Mercury retrograde you can book a session with me here. I would love help.

I want to add a little more to this New Moon forecast because this New Moon is connecting to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. Over the next week, those two planets are coming together as well. Plus, at the moment of this New Moon, Jupiter is halfway between Venus and Neptune, who are at the final degrees of the Zodiac signs they are in. I know that sounds like a lot of astrological mumbo jumbo, so let me tell you what it means.

We also have Jupiter and Mars along with Venus and Neptune connected to the New Moon. 

Everything to do with Mars and Jupiter, as well as Venus and Neptune happening concurrently with this New Moon, represents an opportunity for expansion, drive, and communication to bring dreams into reality. We're at the beginning of a process with the New Moon but at the end of a process when it comes to Venus and Neptune in the chart of this New Moon. It's a circle, like the snake eating its tail or an infinity sign. One loop ends, and the next one begins. That's where we're at with this New Moon in Leo, with the Mars-Jupiter conjunction and the Venus-Neptune quincunx. We are making some adjustments and letting things go so we can then create and find the inspiration we want and need in our lives.

And let's not forget the elephant in the room on this New Moon day: Mercury retrograde at 4 degrees Virgo. This is happening at the same time as today’s New Moon. So, what does this mean for us?

Well, you know how Mercury retrograde can be—it’s that period where communication can go a bit haywire, misunderstandings can pop up, and technology tends to misbehave. With Mercury in Virgo, which is all about precision, details, and organization, this retrograde might make us feel a bit scattered or nitpicky. It's like trying to get everything just right but finding that things keep slipping through the cracks.

So, on this New Moon, while we're setting our bold and creative intentions, it's also a good idea to take a step back and double-check our plans. Maybe review the details of what we're starting or revisiting projects that need fine-tuning. It’s not the best time to rush into new things without careful consideration.

Also, since Virgo is very analytical, this Mercury retrograde invites us to rethink and reevaluate our routines, health habits, and daily practices. Are there things that need tweaking? Are there old patterns that no longer serve us? This is a great time to reflect on those areas.

Remember, Mercury retrograde isn’t just about challenges; it’s also a powerful time for introspection and making meaningful revisions. So, as we embrace the fiery, creative energy of the Leo New Moon, let's balance it with some careful planning and reflection, thanks to Mercury retrograde in Virgo. Think of it as combining the heart’s passion with the mind’s wisdom.

And hey, if things don’t go perfectly, that's okay too. Mercury retrograde is a reminder that sometimes the path to progress includes a few detours. Use this time to refine your vision and ensure that when Mercury goes direct, you're ready to move forward with clarity and purpose.

If you want to know about the Mercury retrograde phase I have a video on that on You-Tube. Here is the link.




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