Wisdom – Knowledge – Intentions – Self Respect – Principles – Values
One of the first things that I recognize about this New Moon at 12 degrees of Capricorn is the Moon is out of bounds. Bounds, are limitations that are set up by the path of the Sun through our sky throughout the year. Some of the planets will move beyond this boundary many times in a year and some rarely or not at all.
When the planets, by declination are “out of bounds” they tend to have a feeling of extremeness; meaning not typical for the description of the planet or the sign it is in. The planets will act a bit out of the norm or somewhat different then what we expect for that planet and sign. It has a feeling of being different and the need for freedom or breaking from restrictions that are typical for that planet and sign.
So let me tell you about this New Moon in Capricorn that is “out of bounds"
New Moons are about setting goals for future growth and expansion. In the sign of Capricorn we will add goals based on Capricorn qualities like, accepting responsibility and self-control. Devising a plan to achieve what you want in your career, focusing on fulfilling your aspirations and ambitions. Feeling secure in your career or profession. Acknowledging your wisdom and knowledge.
So what does it mean that this New Moon in Capricorn is “out of bounds”? We should be open to finding a different way then what is normal for you when it comes to focusing on your intentions and goals. We need to think outside the box here.
Maybe engaging in activities that increase your self-respect as opposed to just working harder. Getting in alignment and taking action with activities that match our principles and values is how we should use this New Moon Capricorn.
Another reason why it is important to do things differently this time, besides the Moon being “out of bounds” is that Venus will retrograde all the way back to 11 degrees of Capricorn and *station here on January 29th. Venus will stay within one degree of this New Moon from January 20th until February 8th and that means we will have some extra time for reevaluation of our New Moon goals so we can get into that perfect alignment with the goals we set. Many of them should be about our reputation, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-respect.
We also have Uranus in a harmonious aspect to this New Moon so it will help us to think outside the box as well. Uranus loves freedom and not playing by the rules (which is perfect for this OOB Moon) so we can experience new things and not stay tied down to something that has no growth potential.
If you are someone who loves to make New Year Resolutions or host Vision Board parties, please wait till after the New Moon on Sunday January 2nd at 1:33 PM ET – 12:33 PM CT – 11:33 AM MT – 10:33 AM PT. Doing this will bring out better results.
A little weather forecasting here as well. If you are on the eastern half of Central time Zone and the very Western edge of Eastern time this Lunar cycle may have some unusually harsh weather. This is because Uranus is on the ascendant of the New Moon charts in those areas. It runs diagonally down the nation from the eastern boarder of Minnesota through Illinois parts of Tennessee down towards the western edge of South Carolina, Georgia and to the eastern border of Florida down through Cuba. With a big focus on the western most part of South Carolina. Hey why not have a heads up about bad weather. Makes preparing much easier and not so stressful.
So in a nutshell take this New Moon period to connect to your inner wisdom, to guide you and direct you.
Happy New Year my friends. With Gratitude and love, Dorothy Morgan
*(station means: the planet appears to have stopped retrograde motion before going direct)
