Talk About New Beginnings!
Plus How The Solar Eclipse on April 20, 2023 Ties In

Today's forecast is more than the New Moon in Aries. I want to start with the planet Mercury, he's the Lord of communication, information, personal connection as well as our local and domestic travel and transportation. Mercury is leading the way into this new Aries energy on Sunday March 19th 12:24 AM EDT so we need to listen closely. Mercury will be in this sign for the next three weeks we have this opportunity to be very proactive in the way that we are speaking, communicating, talking and sharing information as well as a focus on our forms of transportation. Is this something that is coming to your attention? Do you need a new car? How about a new phone or computer? I need a new phone and plan to get one before April 20th. These are just a few of my ideas as to how Mercury in Aries can present itself.
On March 20th at 5:24 PM EDT the Sun enters the sign of Aries this is the Spring Equinox for us here in the northern hemisphere, for the rest of you it's the beginning of fall.
Either way this ingress into Aries represents movement and form, courage and taking action.
However we are still in the final Lunar phase – The Balsamic Phase of the Moon – this means while we are ready, willing and hopefully able to act we need to wait just a little while longer till we get to the New Moon. I will talk about that in a minute.
With the Sun in Aries as of March 20th 5:24 PM EDT this will inspiring us to act, to initiate to find courage in whatever area of life you know you have been waiting on or fearful to act. Think of a very young person and the pure energy they have when they're simply just being who they are and doing what they do. They don’t over think things that just go for it. Of course this is due to a lack of life experience but it is also not a bad thing to be spontaneous. The Sun at zero Aries and in Aries for the next 30 days it is everybody's opportunity to be like this.
Plain and simply be authentic, trust your instincts and act where you are feeling you need to. Find your fire within. Find the courage to speak up for yourself if that's what you need to do.
If you're feeling angry about something, that can come to the surface as well especially if it's something that you're holding deep inside.
The Sun in Aries wants to take action and the Balsamic Moon Phase that we're in during the Equinox shift represents bringing our anger/feelings to the surface that need to be released so we feel fresher and renewed to start something new. It is important to release the things we are angry about and Aries is the perfect sign to move through your anger. The Balsamic Lunar Phase is perfect for releasing so we have clean clear space to create what is next.
Which brings us to the New Moon in Aries on March 21st at 1:23 PM EDT. This New Moon is at zero Aries and that is as fresh and new as we can get. Like a baby learning to walk for the first time. We have the courage we need to take that first step even if we are a bit wobbly and unsure, even if we fall, we get right back up and try it again and again and again. This is the essence of a New Moon at zero degrees of Aries.
So take this New Moon along with the other Astrological happens listed here and find your starting point. What do you want to begin once you have released what you are holding on to? Be self-aware and self-focused for now.
I know many of us are not comfortable with being selfish but Aries IS, so do what you can to set goals and intentions just for you this time. It is ok this is what Aries wants and requires of us.
This New Moon is also bookend by the Next New Moon which is also a Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees of Aries on April 19/20, 2023.
I'll talk about this more in depth as we get closer but I wanted you to be aware of it in today's forecast so I'm going to touch on it just a little bit here.
Unlike the New Moon on March 21st this New Moon is at the final degree of Aries. Twenty nine degrees represents time and maturity. 29 degrees of Aries feels like a mature person who is letting go and walking away from what is behind them, where they've been and what they've accomplished as well as all the wisdom that comes with time. Now is the time to step into something new with that wisdom and maturity that comes with time, but also with the bright eyes of new energy that Aries represents.
So take between March 21st and April 20th and do your thing, discover what you want. If you don't know what that is take steps towards those actions and allow that beautiful inner child to come forward and inspire your days.
March and April are some powerful months this year and we can make a lot ground if we put ourselves first for a little while.
It is always an honor and pleasure to share with you and hold this space with you.
Blessings and Namaste’ Dorothy