Fellow Gemini’s hold on to your hats! And those of you who have other placements in Gemini as well. If you have any planets in Gemini you will feel this to your core. The choices – the information overload – the high energy vibes – endless energy but also burnout can occur.
As a Gemini I can already tell what it will be like in regard to Mars. Let’s take this one step at a time so you can also be informed and armed with knowledge.
It is typical for Mars to move through a sign every two years and to retrograde that often as well.
As of August 20 Mars will be in Gemini for the next 7 months due to his retrograde motion 25 Gemini back to 8 Gemini. I want you to know this is also the same area that we had eclipses at back in 2021.
I will explain, but first Mars in Gemini, qualities that will be amplified by the competitive and passionate energy of Mars - are gathering information, communication, ideas, socializing, curiosity, flexibility, nervousness, talking too much, trouble sorting through information and anything you deem communication related. Phones – computers etc. And I expect the media/news will be on fire even more so then ever. I am not sure how that can be, but it is true.
We can expect big changes in regard to social media and public platforms as well. They are always changing but over the next 7 months there will be even bigger changes and issues.
Once Mars enters the retrograde phase October 30th at 25 degrees of Gemini then we will have a some breathing room and hopefully things will slow down a little.
You see the action of Mars retrograde is internalized first before we can act. Around the change dates October 30th and January 12, 2023 many of us will feel frustration because things are not moving as quickly as we would like.
Take a look at your own natal chart and find 8 to 25 Gemini. That is the house/s that Mars will also activate. Knowing your house placement and what natal planets are activated during the retrograde can give you even more insight.
This Mars transit will activate some powerful eclipses we had in 2021.
Here is the timeline you can put these dates in your calendar.
August 20th Mars enters the sign of Gemini, we feel high energy and communication overload. Ever feel like you can’t catch up?
September 3rd Mars is at 8 degrees of Gemini beginning its shadow phase and conjunct the USA Uranus. We can expect more of what is already going on in regard to the USA and politics. Feels like a powder keg about to blow.
September 28 & 29 Mars at 19 Gemini this is an activation point from the New Moon Solar eclipse June 10, 2021 get out your journals and see what you had going on around June 10, 2021. This Mars transit will activate that New Moon Eclipse energy. (Here in USA this is even more important since this June 10th eclipse was visible). Be open for more insight – information - thoughts – ideas – how to take action with energy to burn.
October 3 -6 Mars will conjunct the USA Mars. This can be a lot of energy, anger, action, protests and movements.
October 30th Mars retrograde at 25 Gemini. For a few days on either side of today we may feel a lot of frustrated since Mars is not moving. We can be upset and angry or we could take a few extra walks around the block – build something – or simple move your body if you are feeling frustrated.
November 22 -25 Mars retrograde will conjunct the USA Mars transit #2. This can be a lot of energy, anger, action, protests and movements.
November 27 to 30 Mars is at 19 Gemini (AGAIN) also an activation point from the New Moon Solar eclipse June 10, 2021 but now we have an opportunity to go back over whatever may be bothering us – feels bad – or examine why you are upset about something from this current moment in time and from the June 2021 time period.
January 1 – 24, 2023 Mars is now at 8 Gemini it is stationary to direct. Also conjunct USA Uranus for second time and for a long time. This can be a very rough time for the country. Having Mars sitting on one degree for such a long time is like a slow burn that will suddenly explode into a raging fire. It feels like we can’t catch up and we have too much to do, it is rough and even frustrating at times but we can also channel this abundant energy into personal projects and needs if you can find a focus.
For example think about what intense heat can do. It can melt metal so it can be manipulated into whatever you want using your own skills and talents. That’s what I plan on doing.
Yes we need to focus on the personal aspects of this transit too not just the USA chart even thought that is going to be a spectacular show.
We need to remember Mars’ main gig is about personal wants and needs and in the sign of Gemini we will be working through the information that comes to us. We all have our own way of processing life and Mars in Gemini is more then happy to give us all the information we need.
Let’s use this in the best way we can by looking for some innovative and progressive ways to act.
March 16, 2023 Mars still in Gemini but moves past retrograde degrees.
Mars will be leaving Gemini on March 25, 2023
What a time this is going be. Like a ride on an emotional roller coaster. I personally don’t like roller coasters – however I know many do. So I hope you can enjoy the ride.
Want to add a few more dates and transits for your reference and to cover a few questions I have been receiving.
Mars square Neptune we may question what we are doing with our lives. You may give up on something or you may not give up. The details of this depend on your own personal chart. We may feel like we're moving in the wrong direction we may not be going to wrong direction. Some people may very well feel hopeless however that is a common feeling for many people anyway.
Take your time and evaluate where you are, what you are doing and decisions you're making during this time. Things that are hidden can be exposed and some things that are exposed may be hidden.
It may take time to find the energy to do the things you think you want to do when Mars is square to Neptune. Here are those dates.
Mars is square Neptune three times over the next 7 months.
October 12, November 19 (Retrograde), March 14, 2023.
Mars trine Saturn = this is an air trine and that means we have a lot of thoughts and ideas floating around that we can act on. It is also discipline, patience, endurance, resistance, accomplishments, progress in practical and/or business matters.
September 28, November 28 (Retrograde).
For a more personal insight you are always welcome to book a session. Here is a link for your convenience.