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Full Moon in Aquarius August 19, 2024 ~ Embrace Transformative Shifts and Life Pivots

Full Moon in Aquairus August 19 2024

Let's talk about the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, 2024, at 2:26 PM EDT. This Full Moon in Aquarius has the potential to be Transformative and create Shifts that look like a Life Pivot.

Before the Full Moon on August 19th, while the Moon is still in its waxing phase, there are a few other aspects to consider that will be incorporated into this Full Moon report. I'll explain those first, and then we'll discuss the Full Moon and what it represents.

On August 19th at 1:53 AM EDT, Venus in Virgo will square Jupiter in Gemini. These two benefic planets will form a 90° angle, but it’s a mutable square since both of these zodiac signs are mutable. This is an easier square that doesn’t create as much tension or stress between the two planets. It will create just enough tension for us to recognize the need to find a solution or compromise. With Venus in Virgo, this involves valuing everyday activities and paying attention to details, while with Jupiter in Gemini, it's about the expansion of information and knowledge. Both of these zodiac signs, Gemini and Virgo, are ruled by Mercury, which is retrograde at this time and involved in this Full Moon. So we must take our time during this Full Moon and let Mercury retrograde have some room to evaluate your current life situations.

Venus in Virgo is also in opposition to Saturn in Pisces, which places Saturn in a square aspect with Jupiter. This configuration creates a mutable T-square.

The challenging aspect between Jupiter and Saturn creates a lot of attention because these two planets values are at odds with each other, so we need to find a way and a solution for relief between Jupiter the planet that wants expansion and Saturn the planet that is most interested in boundaries and preventing overgrowth.

When Venus opposes Saturn, it can bring challenges in relationships and compel us to reassess our values, particularly in how we balance our spending with the money we earn

You might wonder why I’m covering so many different components of Venus here. The reason is that Venus rules what we love, what we value, how we spend our money, how we make our money, and the skills and talents we value and can use to earn money. Venus in Virgo is currently highlighting all these areas, and it’s up to you to determine which of these is most important to you—though it can be both.

Love, relationships, money, and everything related to these categories are in flux right now. With Venus square Jupiter, information is expanding, and with Venus opposite Saturn, we are feeling the boundaries or restrictions around what we love and value. All of this is happening as we approach the Full Moon, which I’ll cover shortly.

Now we also have this Full Moon at a square aspect to Uranus just a couple hours before the exact Full Moon. I'm going to cover that as part of the Full Moon forecast.

Now let's talk about the Full Moon in Aquarius

When the Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, it highlights the shifts and changes we are truly seeking. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and during this Full Moon, Uranus is positioned at the midpoint between the Sun and the Moon, creating a fixed T-square. Earlier in the day, we dealt with a mutable T-square, which at least gave us a sense of movement. However, this Full Moon in Aquarius, as part of a fixed T-square, feels like the stress and tension have reached a climax and are now poised to pivot.

There have been one or two times in my life when things happened out of the blue, and looking back, I realize those were unexpected and very significant pivots in my life. However, they were part of the natural progression of my journey. I encourage us to view this Full Moon, with Uranus at the midpoint, as an opportunity—whether in the world at large or in our personal lives—for new and unexpected opportunities that could genuinely change the trajectory of your life, my life, or even the world. I know this sounds dramatic, but it can be. It can also feel very exciting.


This Full Moon is part of a lunar gestation cycle that I like to cover in my weekly forecasts. If you're on my Patreon membership, tier 3 or 4, you get access to these forecasts, where I discuss the lunar gestation cycle in depth every week, adding a lot of depth to our astrology forecasting.

The lunar gestation cycle started 18 months ago with a New Moon, but it was in a different sign. Here’s the kicker: it began on February 20, 2023, at 1° Pisces. During every New Moon, we set goals, intentions, hopes, and dreams. Pisces, in particular, is about our hopes and dreams, spirituality, faith, beliefs, past lives, karma, and the history of the soul. So, I encourage you to look back to February 2023 and reflect on what your goals and intentions were at that time.

Nine months later, on November 20, 2023, we had the First Quarter Moon at 27° Aquarius, which is also where the current Full Moon is located. Think back to November 2023 and consider what you were working towards—how you were implementing the goals you set in February 2023 with that New Moon. In November 2023, we were processing and thinking about how we could advance our lives. Each of us has our own personal journey, so this was a time for evaluation. After that evaluation with the First Quarter Moon in November 2023, we were able to focus on what felt achievable. Reflect on the projects you really devoted your attention to during that time.

Now, we are at the Full Moon on August 19, 2024, at the same location. Full Moons bring complete and total awareness of what we are striving for in our lives at this current time, as well as what we've been working towards over the past 18 months in this lunar gestation cycle. I've given you the key dates—write them down and review what they mean for you. It will make more sense than just reading this, and you’ll be able to identify your pattern. It's not that hard.


With everything we've discussed today, it certainly seems like we have a lot to process, doesn't it? Each of us has an opportunity to make a difference where it matters most to us. If you're holding on tightly to things that aren't working for you, these transits and the Full Moon could feel very disruptive. Most of us aren't fans of change, but we really should be open to it at this point because there’s likely more than one thing in your life that isn’t working anymore, even though you continue to push forward with it. This is a fabulous opportunity for some truly important changes. We're not going back it is time to move forward.

Personal Help and Insight with the Full Moon in Aquarius

We’re definitely experiencing some challenging days, with no doubt about it. We'll regularly feel the expansion and contraction due to the influence of these Mercury-ruled planets, especially since Mercury is retrograde. How will this affect us? We may feel indecisive or uncertain about things. What those things are depends on what's happening in your life. I could list every possibility or break it down by zodiac sign, but each of us has our own unique focus and circumstances.

I'm providing you with the astrological weather forecast; it's up to you to decide how to use this information and in what way it’s most beneficial for you. My intention has always been to give you the tools to apply astrology to your own life. If some things don’t resonate or make sense, simply walk away from them. You don’t have to have a bad day just because we’re experiencing challenging aspects.

The Video forecast will be live on the 13th. You - Tube


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