New Moon in Cancer June 28, 2022 and The Supreme Court Ruling

Whenever we have the New Moon in Cancer we are reminded in one way or another about some very important things in life. How are we feeling, what emotions are being activated? Do we feel secure, are our needs being met? What is the state of your family.
This New Moon comes on the heels of a big decision made here in the U.S.A. by the supreme court. It has stirred up a lot of emotions around those things just mentioned as well as our right to choose to have a family or not. Now I am not going to debate this with anyone, I have my thoughts you have yours. RESPECT. But it is clear to this writer that if you are paying attention, you will notice the heightened feelings of many people as of the June 24th decision. The emotions are high.
Just before every New Moon is the Balsamic Lunar Phase and that will stir up things so we can identify what is not working so we can start the process of letting go, clearing the space and getting comfortable with inner thoughts and feelings.
This New Moon is also just after Neptune turning retrograde as well as a 90 degree angle to Jupiter. This means as we approach the New Moon we may very well feel a bit unsure of what the future holds in regards to our emotional state and all the other things that are coming to the surface now.
Plus being that this nation was born under the Cancer Sun there will be some very troubled waters for some time to come. Not just because of the New Moon, but it certainly will add to all the other transits we are dealing with to the chart of the United States. Like the Pluto return – old outdated rules and laws are being broken down so at a point in the future (hopefully when Pluto enters Aquarius we have a chance to create new laws that are more inclusive). Hoping for a brighter future.
All of these things will contribute to the overall feel of this New Moon.
So let’s shift gears from political happenings and talk about how we can bring this into a personal place.
If this ruling triggered you then you have some work to do. What are you feeling as we come to this New Moon on June 28th?
What do you need to feel secure? Do you feel safe and protected? Can you do that for your family?
The answer to these questions is personal to each of us so work on the details and start setting some goals so you can get into alignment with the cosmic energies. All humans need to feel safe, nurtured and secure.
Even with all of this emotion coming to the surface now we still have our everyday lives to live. If you would like to spend some time working on your focus and staying centered in your own feelings, that is also a good thing to do during this New Moon.
That is one of the things the New Moon in Cancer is all about. Understanding your own feelings, taking steps to feel safe, nurtured and secure.
So set those goals with these things in mind, your safety, security, exploring your emotions, rising your family, finding ways that make you feel in control of your life and environment. Doing these things from a place love not from fear.
The aspect to Jupiter in Aries in the New Moon chart inflates our own personal wants and needs as we focus on the Cancer qualities.
Personally I know quite a few people right now fighting a battle with cancer between the ages of 30 and 72, three ladies who have lost their partners to sudden death recently and one friend currently in the hospital – had a heart attack last night.
Life is so fragile so keep your friends close and family even closer. We need each other in times like these.
We can disagree but we do not need to be divided. Holding you all in Love and Light.
Oh Dorothy - I am now fighting tears after reading this. My heart is hurting for those you know going through very difficult and heart-breaking situations. It is also hurting for my personal space - words can't be formed for the emotions and the emotional upheaval in my inner world. Thank you so very much for these powerful readings. Much love to you, positive vibes going out.