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February 5, 2023 Full Moon at 16 degrees of Leo

Creative ~ Reflection ~ Awareness ~ Insight

Powerful Eclipse Activation

This is quite a significant Full Moon astrologically; no buzz words for this one -- it's not a super moon or even an eclipse but it is a power activation point. In this forecast I will also talk about a different Lunar Phase that this Full Moon is connected too which is called the Lunar Gestation Phase. So let’s get started and see what these activation points are all about and how you the individual can use it productively.

This Full Moon at 16 degrees of Leo is at the half way point between two Eclipses. 3 months ago on November 8, 2022 we had a Full Moon Eclipse and we will have another Eclipse coming up on May 5, 2023 all are in the fixed zodiac signs. We are currently at a halfway point between these two eclipses. An activation is occurring now that we need to pay attention to, this is powerful stuff. Using these energies I recommend you take a look back to your activities around the Full Moon eclipse on November 8, 2022 and see what still feels active from that point in time. Write this down somewhere because we will be putting a few things together, like a puzzle.

All the signs involved in these three Full Moons are the fixed zodiac signs and that means we may be holding on to some things with a death grip. Fixed signs can be very helpful when we are seeking stability and permanency, but it is not helpful when we refuse to let go of things that may be familiar and feel safe but are no longer good ideas or productive ways of doing things. I know plenty of us and myself included have hung on to things, a situation or a person a lot longer than we should have because not knowing what the future holds was scarier than holding on or staying the dysfunctional situation.

The Old Ways Are Gone and we need to expect this and move forward for our own well being and that of the planet.

So the February 5th Full Moon activation of the Eclipse that was on November 8, 2022 will show you what you need to release. The activation of what is to come we do not know since it is not here yet so I recommend you journal how you are felling, what you are willing to release at this point and generally how you are feeling about your current life circumstances.

What choices you are making and what you are ready to release now and in regard to November 8, 2022. Things do linger and it takes many times to peel the layers and release it all. These Astrological events are here to encourage us to do just that.

The Full Moon is illuminating things we don’t always see.
That is what this Full Moon at the mid-point of two other Full Moon Eclipses is all about. 

Moving on to the Lunar Gestation Phase

The Full Moon on February 5th at 16 degrees of Leo is directly connected to the New Moon on August 8, 2021 at 16 degrees of Leo. How do we use this? Go back to your journals and see what your goals and desires where then. What where you striving for? What were your New Moon wishes? Make a note of this now.

Nine months later on May 8, 2022 we have the 1st quarter Moon at 18 degrees of Leo. Take what you learned about the New Moon August 2021 and now look at May 8, 2022 the 1st quarter Moon, what were you working hard on in regard to the New Moon? At 1st quarter Moons we are typically striving to make things happen in the area of life that we set the New Moon goals at. Look at your journal for around May 8, 2022 and write down now what you were working on that is similar to your New Moon goals from August 2021.

Now we are back to the current Full Moon at 16 degrees of Leo on February 8, 2023. Look at your notes from Aug 2021 and May 2022, and then ask yourself what is being revealed now? This is your current task. To either begin completing your project or release some aspects of it so the rest of it can thrive and grow.

A few questions you can ask yourself to find some answers if it is not clear to you.

Just a few of my thoughts, I am sure you can come up some of your own.

(These will be Leo qualities)

Have I been creating things that I am passionate about?

Is my heart really into it?

Do I love what I am doing?

Am I still hanging on to an old relationship/partnership?

Creatively do I need to learn new techniques?

What am I still hanging on too that I need to let go off?

And to top it all off every one of these lunar events that I have spoken of in this report is directly connected to Uranus and that means it's imperative that we get out of our comfort zones so we can discover something new about ourselves personally and engage in the new energy and the new vibrations that are part of where we are and who we are at this point in human history.

The collective energy is very strong and many people will be focusing on world events, however the collective is a group of individuals and that is you and me which is why I always like to focus on how we can use the current astrology personally.

The whole world is shifting. But if that is way too much to handle and I know it is, all you need to do is bring it back to YOU. To your world where you are comfortable – but not too comfortable, we are being asked to expand beyond what is normal and when we don’t the universe will show us how and help us especially if we are feeling stuck.

Do you have any plans for this expansion? Do you see a new cycle or pattern happening in your world already? Let me know what that is below if you like.

And for the astrological students and enthusiasts out there all of this Aquarius energy that we're currently engaged in is a direct yes let's study some more. Aquarius and Uranus are the rulers of astrology. Here's a link to my mentor page.

Blessings, thank you, have a lot of fun with this and don't take life too seriously.

Namaste' Dorothy

* The video forecast will be up within 24 hours of this blog.



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